

New Innovations in Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic is defined as the automation of decision making for media buying using Artificial Intelligence. Media can be bought based on audience behaviours and actions, context and device in real time, allowing advertisers to be contextually relevant to each individual user.

However, 7 in 10 Brits admit to not trusting advertising.  Over the years this has partly been due to mass advertising bringing about ad blindness, and more recently negative press surrounding brand safety concerns in advertising also bringing about the rise of ad blockers.

So, in a programmatic world how do we go about building trust? We know, there is no place like phone; it’s always with us.

  • 89% use a mobile whilst at work

  • 68% use a mobile whilst having dinner with family

  • 32% of users check their smartphones within minutes of waking up

  • 27% check their mobile before going to sleep

  • Video usage is set to boost mobile viewing by 20% this year

With the significant growth of mobile, advertisers need to be agile. We need to show adverts that are at the right place, at the right moment with the right message. Programmatically advertisers are making progress to increase their one to one relationship with users through the rise of innovative mobile formats; for example, Spotify, Shazam and VOD take advantage of in-app media. Consequently, this allows advertisers to build upon their mobility, communicating at scale within optimised environments to specific users, who increasingly have more choice in where they consume their mobile content. 

But what about mobility of our audiences outside of traditional online media. Nowadays many out of home (OOH) display units are becoming digitised, from bus stops to retail boards– a far cry from the birth of static posters. The importance of digitising OOH is because it still has more reach than any other traditional media. Consequently, to advertiser’s advantage, OOH is becoming programmatic in several ways –

  1. Third party data triggers such as weather and traffic signals are enabling great possibilities for OOH dynamic creative through programmatic integrations.

  2. In Paid Media device ID’s are used to target individuals, however In OOH, buyers follow the movement patterns of aggregate groups of people to target mass audiences. Making available mobile location data critical for targeting and measurement.

  3. A few OOH suppliers are also offering Private Marketplace buying, opening up inventory to be bought in near real-time programmatically.

  4. Traditionally, OOH is sold as a “spot” or bought on an insertion order basis. However, OOH media sellers are starting to convert their buying models to a CPM making it far more comparable with digital metrics.

Utilising programmatic in this way alongside online and mobile media can therefore drive increased efficiencies across campaigns generating higher impact and ROI. Therefore, leveraging the power of programmatic media buying on and offline can further extend reach for advertisers, with greater accuracy and increased relevance for significant impact and ROI across marketing campaigns.


To find out how iCrossing can help you unleash the potential of your audience based planning contact results@icrossing.co.uk

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